Monday 15 May 2017

Chickpea and Pepper Curry

Chickpea and Pepper Curry

Serves 2

2½ pts per serving
Core recipe

Freeze if required

1 red and 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and chopped roughly
1 tbsp med curry powder
1x 230g chopped tomatoes
100g low fat plain yogurt
1x 410g can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp coriander, freshly chopped, optional

Spray a non stick saucepan with the low fat cooking spray and fry the peppers for 4 mins until slightly browned.
Stir in the curry powder and cook for 30 secs to develop the flavour, then mix in the chopped tomatoes, ogurt and chickpeas. Add seasoning, cover the pan and simmer for 10 mins.
Stir in the coriander, if using, just before serving.
Serve with 150g cooked brown rice for 3pts or spoon over med jacket potato for 2.5pts 

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