Monday 15 May 2017

Surprise Indian Dhal

Surprise Indian Dhal

Core recipe

4oz brown lentils
4oz green lentils
Leek, very finely chopped
Celery, very finely chopped
Onion, very finely chopped
Black pepper
Mixed herbs
Bay leaves
30g reduced fat cheese (optional & 2 pts if used)

Rinse lentils and put them in a large dish.   
Pour 2 pints boiling water over and add all the other ingredients, except the onions. Soak for 30 minutes.
Dry fry the onion in a large pan, add the lentils with the water they were in and simmer slowly for about 35 minutes or until the lentils are soft. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Put mix in an ovenproof dish and put the lentils in and spread over the base. Put mashed potato on top of the lentils and then sprinkle with cheese if using. Place under the grill until nice and brown.
Serve with veg.

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