Monday 15 May 2017

Irish Leek and Potato Bake

Irish Leek and Potato Bake

Serves 4
4½ points per serving

450g small floury potatoes, unpeeled
low fat cooking spray
450g leeks, sliced thickly, rinsed and drained
1 garlic clove, crushed
50g low fat cheddar cheese, grated
for the sauce
2 tbsp polyunsaturated margarine
2tbsp plain flour
600ml skimmed milk
100g low fat soft cheese
1 tbsp French mustard

Put the potatoes in a large pan of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes until tender.  

Meanwhile, heat a large casserole and spray with low fat cooking spray then add leeks and season.  Cover and leave to sweat for 20 minutes over the lowest possible heat.  

To make the cheese sauce, melt the margarine in a small saucepan then add flour.  Cook for 2 minutes then gradually add milk a little at a time, stirring between additions to make a smooth sauce.  Add the soft cheese and heat gently, stirring until melted in.  Add mustard then season and set aside.

Preheat oven to 180*c.  Drain potatoes, peel and chop into cubes and add to the leeks along with the garlic and cheese sauce, stirring gently to combine.  Sprinkle grated cheese over and bake for 20 minutes until bubbling and golden on top.

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