Monday 15 May 2017

Thai Red Vegetable Curry

Thai Red Vegetable Curry

Serves 4 
2 points per serving

2tbsp red curry paste
6 medium shallots, chopped finely
2 medium red peppers, deseeded and diced finely
2 medium carrots, peeled and cut into matchsticks
300ml vegetable stock
2 dried or fresh kaffir lime leaves, or the zest of 1 lemon or 2 limes
100g mushrooms
150g can sliced bamboo shoots, rinsed and drained
100ml reduced fat coconut milk
300ml soya milk (guess you could use semi skimmed instead)
200g beansprouts
2 heads bok choy, sliced
small bunch fresh coriander, chopped

Heat a large frying pan or wok and add the curry paste, dry fry for 30 seconds.  

Add shallots, red peppers and carrots and stir fry over a high heat for 2 minutes until just browning on the edges, then add the stock and lime leaves.  Bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minute, then add the mushrooms, bamboo shoots, coconut milk and soya milk.  Cook for a further 15 minutes on a low heat but do not allow to boil  

Add beansprouts and bok choy and cook for 2 minutes, then stir in coriander and serve.

Tip:the remaining coconut milk will freeze in 100ml quantities for another time.

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