Monday 15 May 2017

Cabbage Parcels with a Spicy Rice and Mushroom Filling

Cabbage Parcels with a Spicy Rice and Mushroom Filling

Points plan 1 pt per serving
Serves 4

8 large leaf cabbage
1 teaspoon sunflower oil
1 small onion(s), chopped finely
75 g mushrooms, chopped finely
1/2 teaspoon spices, allspice, ground
125 g rice, cooked, brown or wild
1 pinch salt, to taste
1 serving pepper, freshly ground, black
1 portion stock cube, (make 1/2 pint)
1 small onion(s), grated
1 clove garlic, crushed
400 g canned tomatoes
1 teaspoon oregano, dried
1/4 teaspoon white sugar, (a pinch)

Blanche the cabbage leaves in salted, boiling water for 1 minute, then drain and refresh under cold running water. Set aside on kitchen paper whilst you prepare the filling.

Heat the oil in a saucepan and gently cook the onion, until soft. Add the mushrooms and cook for 3-4 minutes. Stir in the allspice and rice. Season, to taste. Spoon equal amounts of the filling on to each leaf and roll them up, tucking in the ends to form neat parcels.

Place the parcels in the base of a large saucepan and pour over the stock. Cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the quick tomato sauce. Put all the ingredients (from onion to oregano) in a small pan and simmer, for 15 minutes. Season, to taste.

To serve, remove the hot parcels with a slotted spoon and arrange two on each plate, with a little tomato sauce spooned alongside. 

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