Monday 15 May 2017

Aubergine and Lentil Pie

Aubergine and Lentil Pie

Serves 4

4.5 points each (18 points total)
Core recipe

1 aubergine
1lb mushrooms
1 medium onion
1 can tomatoes
4 large tomatoes
1 medium courgette
1 can Sainsbury's Green Lentils, in Salted Water
1000 g potatoes)
2 tablespoons Extra Light Soft Cheese

Slice aubergine and cook slices gently in fry pan until softened. Move to large baking dish. Hold back half of them for the next layer.

Top each slice with a thickly sliced tomato.

In a separate pan, gently cook together the chopped mushrooms, onion and courgette. Add the can of chopped tomatoes. Season to taste. Add lentils and boil gently for 10 minutes.

Pour half the lentil mix onto the layer of aubergine and tomato. Then spread the remaining aubergine on top, again topped with tomato slices, and cover with the remaining mixture.

Gently boil the potatoes until soft.

Drain and place in a large bowl. Add the soft cheese and mash to a smooth mixture.

Spoon the potato over the lentil mix. Use a fork to smooth and pattern it.
Add some black pepper to the top.

Bake in a moderate oven for 30 minutes - be careful not to burn the potato topping.

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