Monday 15 May 2017

Broccoli Bake

Broccoli Bake

Serves 4
Points: 10½ in total, 2½ per serving

450 g mushrooms
1 medium onion
3 large tomato(s)
1 tablespoon(s) Sainsbury's Tomato Puree
10 fl oz water
75 g dried pearl barley
150 g broccoli
3/4 pint(s) skimmed milk
150 g Tesco Healthy Eating Extra Light Soft Cheese
1 tablespoon(s) Sainsbury's Cornflour

Gently cook broccoli - I steamed mine but you can boil it for a few minutes until softened. Put to one side.

In large pan, gently cook mushrooms (sliced or halved depending on size) with chopped tomatoes and onion. When softened, add tomato puree and water. Simmer gently. Season to taste with salt, pepper and herbs. Add Pearl Barley. Continue to simmer for 10-15 minutes. When thickened, remove tomato mixture from heat and put in large baking dish.

Place cooked broccoli across the top. Gradually mix cornflour and milk in the pan, off the heat. When all mixed in, gently heat, stirring continually. When thickened and smooth, add the soft cheese.

It is best to take it off the heat but if the cheese is very slow to melt in, put back on a gentle heat until fully absorbed. When smooth, poor over the broccoli. 
Place complete dish in warmed oven - 180C, - for about 15 minutes.

Serve with jacket potato if you want to bulk it out, and add any green veg. Or you can have a side salad.

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