Monday 15 May 2017

Beanie Burgers with Salsa

Beanie Burgers with Salsa

Serves 2
1½ pts per serving
Core recipe

Freeze burgers only

1x 410g can flageolet or haricot beans, rinsed and drained
1 med egg white
1/2 tbsp med curry powder
sald and freshly ground black pepper
4 spring onions, chopped
75g carrot, peeled and grated coarsely
low fat cooking spray
2 tomatoes, diced small

Tip the beans into a food processor, adding the egg white, curry powder and seasoning. Pulse until mixed, but without processing into a smooth paste.

Stir in half the spring onions and all of the grated carrot and mix briefly.

Use damp hands to shape the sticky mix into four burgers.
Lightly coat a non stick frying pan with the low fat cooking spray and fry the burgers for 5 mins each side over a med heat.

While the burgers are cooking, mix the diced tomatoes with the rest of the spring onions and seasoning. Serve the salsa spooned over the hot burgers

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