Monday 15 May 2017

Sweetcorn Pancakes

Sweetcorn Pancakes

No Count Recipe

From the WW boards

1 small tin of sweetcorn blended with 4 tblsp low fat plain youghurt until smooth. Pour into a bowl and beat in half tub garlic and herb ELF with 2 eggs and a splash of skimmed milk. Add another tin of drained sweetcorn. Add 1 heaped tsp baking powder and enough polenta to make a thick batter. Season with salt, pepper and chilli flakes if liked.

Spray a non-stick frying pan with fry-lite and cook spoonfuls until crisp brown and fluffy, turn over and cook the other side.

Delicious with salsa and a little extra ELF on top. Would also be good with bacon too!

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