Monday 15 May 2017

Cowboy Pie

Cowboy Pie

From the WW boards

18 points values per recipe  4.5 per serving
Core recipe

serves 4

1 Onion
low fat cooking spray
200ml (7floz) vegetable stock
350g Quorn mince
420g can low fat, low salt baked beans
230g can chopped toms (I used 400g)
salt and feshly ground black pepper
750g (1lb 10oz) potatoes, peeled and cut into 5mm (1/4inch slices)

Cook the onion in low fat cooking spray for 5 mins until softened, adding a splash of vegetable stock if needed to prevent it from sticking

Stir in the quorn mince, beans and chopped tomatoes and remaining stock, season and simmer for 5 minutes, then pour into a baking dish.

Add the sliced potatoes to a large pan of boiling water. Stir so that they don't stick together and cook gently for 4 minutes or unitl tender but not falling apart.

Drain carefully and arrange on top of the mince mixture. Lightly mist with low fat cooking spray and bake in the oven for 25mins until the topping is golden and crisp!

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