Friday 12 May 2017

Home made Quorn sausages

Home made Quorn sausages

Core recipe

1 bag Quorn fillets defrosted
1 egg
1 tin pinto beans
1 large shallot
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp onion salt
1 tsp barbecue spice

Zap the shallot in the food processor until fine, add in everything
else and process to a fine paste on high speed. You'll have to keep
pushing the mixture back down the sides.

Once that's done mix in fine polenta teaspoon by teaspoon until it's
dry enough to mould into sausage shapes.

Fry in frylight or oil allowance or bake in the oven.

Can be a bit dry but great with beans or in a casserole.

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