Friday 12 May 2017

Imam Bayaldi (Stuffed Aubergine)

Imam Bayaldi (Stuffed Aubergine)

Core recipe
Serves 1 or 2

1 large aubergine
Tin of chopped tomatoes
Small onion
1 small red pepper
Dried mixed herbs
Balsamic vinegar (optional)

Heat oven to 180c

Slice aubergine in half lengthways and scoop out the flash, leaving a shell of about 1cm. Chop the flesh into cubes.

Dry fry the onions, garlic, mushrooms, pepper and aubergine flesh and herbs.
Drain the tin of tomatoes and put the juice into a small sauce pan to make a sauce to accompany….set it to one side till later.

Put the tomatoes into the onion mixture and add the sweetcorn.
Cook the filling until it softens.

Fill the aubergine halves and wrap each one in foil.
Cook until soft, approx. 30 – 40 minutes. When cooked the flesh shell will easily come away from the black skin.


Into the pan with the tomato juice in, add salt and black pepper to taste and a splash of balsamic vinegar. Bring to the boil, the simmer until slightly thickened and vinegar taste has gone.

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