Monday 15 May 2017

Provencal Vegetables with couscous

Provencal Vegetables with couscous

Serves 4

Full Choice 4 pts per serving
No Count 1½pt per serving

220g couscous (11 pts)
pinch saffron
½ tsp each ground cumin, coriander, salt
1 tbsp dried herbes de provence
2 tsp harrissa paste (½pt)
2 tbsp lemon juice
300ml hot veg stock
1 broccoli, cut into florets
1 aubergine diced
3 red or yellow peppers, chopped
2 courgettes, sliced
12 cherry tomatoes
8 spring onions, sliced
50g pinenuts (5½pts)

Mix couscous with saffron, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, salt, herbs, harissa, lemon juice and stock.  Cover and set aside.

Blanch the broccoli in boiling water for 5 mins. Drain and set aside.

Fry the aubergine in a non-stick pan, sprayed with frylight, until soft and slightly blackened, then add tomatoes and broccoli and cook for a further 5 mins.

Mix the cooked veg into the couscous with the spring onion and pinenuts.

Serve hot or cold.

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