Monday 8 May 2017

Lentil and Cheese Wedges

Lentil and Cheese Wedges 

(based on a recipe from the Crank's cookbook)

For Full Choice the whole recipe is 11½pts
For No Count the whole recipe is 5½pts for the cheese

You could reduce the points by using half fat cheddar....2 oz is 3pts or even WWFH cheddar which would be 1½ pts for 2oz

4 oz/ 113g Red Lentils 4½ pts
225ml water
1 onion
2 oz/ 56g Strong Cheddar Cheese 5½ pts
1/2 tsp mixed herbs
1 egg  1½pts
salt and pepper

Cook the lentils in the measured water until soft and all the liquid has been absorbed. (You might need to adda little extra water, and stir to prevent sticking as the lentils turn to mush).  Chop the onion and fry in Frylight until soft. Mix all ingredients together, and place in a 7" sandwich tin lined with baking parchment.

Bakeat 190C / 375F / Mark 5 for 20-25 mins, til golden and firm to the touch. Cut into wedges and serve, hot or cold.  

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