Monday 20 January 2014

Vegetables with Herbed Chick Pea Crust

Vegetables with Herbed Chick Pea Crust

Serves 4

200g baby new potatoes
800g - 1kg assorted vegetables  carrots, squash, baby sweetcorn, red peppers, mushrooms, leeks, green beans, courgettes etc (depends on the size of your dish!)
100ml vegetable stock
100ml passata
1½ x 400g cans chick peas, drained
1tbsp olive oil from daily allowance
1tsp sesame oil (optional)
2 cloves garlic
handful of fresh coriander
juice of half a lemon
1tsp sesame seeds (optional)

Par-boil the potatoes, and halve.
Cut all the vegetables into chunks, if using root veg such as carrots, you may want to give them a quick blast in the microwave or par-boil them a bit to give them a head-start.
Mix up all the veg, season well with pepper and put in a large shallow oven-proof dish. Keep the surface level as flat as you can.
Mix the stock and passata then pour over the vegetables.
Whizz the chick peas, oils, lemon juice and garlic in a processor or blender with enough water to make a spreadable paste - like thick houmous. Once at the right consistency, add the coriander and whizz again.
Dollop over the veg and spread out to cover the surface.
Sprinkle on the sesame seeds.
Cook at 200C for about 45 mins. Check on it after about half an hour, if the crust is looking burnt, cover with foil. 

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