Monday 20 January 2014

Lemony Gingery Chicken & Spinach Dahl

Lemony Gingery Chicken & Spinach Dahl

Core recipe
Makes about 6 portions.

2 skinless chicken breasts, diced into bite-size chunks
Dry red lentils, measured in a measuring jug up to the 400ml mark, and then washed in cold water
Two thick slices of root ginger
1” chunk of root ginger, finely grated
A big bag of ready-washed spinach
5-6 cloves of garlic, crushed
Two medium onions, halved and sliced
¼ tsp turmeric
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cumin
½ -1 tsp chilli powder (optional)
Juice of one lemon
Juice of one lime
Spray oil
Chopped fresh coriander (optional)

Put the lentils in a big pan. Add approx 2 pints cold water and the ginger slices. Bring to boil, stirring now and then. When boiling, skim off the scum.
Keep on a low boil (higher than a simmer) and add the chicken and the turmeric.

When the chicken has gone white all over, lower the heat, half-cover the pan and let it simmer for about half an hour, checking and stirring to make sure it doesn't stick or boil too dry (add water if necessary).

After half an hour, chuck in the spinach and keep simmering for another ten mins or so.

Meanwhile get a smallish non-stick frying and heat some spray oil in it. Fry the onions until they start to go brown round the edges. Add the grated ginger and crushed garlic and fry for another couple of minutes. Add the ground coriander, ground cumin and chilli powder and stir around for a few seconds.

Tip the contents of the frying pan into the dahl and stir. Get the consistency of the dahl how you want it by either adding water or boiling it down.

Add the lemon and lime juice and, if using, the chopped fresh coriander. Add salt to taste.

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