Thursday 16 January 2014

Egg & Bacon Rosti

Egg & Bacon Rosti

Lovely as a brunch with baked beans, or grilled tomatoes.
Serves 4

Core recipe

1 tbsp olive oil (use oil from allowance)
1 onion, finely chopped
4 bacon medallions, diced
900g potatoes, peeled and grated
1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves
4 eggs

Heat oil in a large frying pan, cook onion 5 mins or until softened.

Add bacon and cook 3 mins until crisp and golden.

Add potatoes and thyme, season well.  Press down firmly with the back of a spoon to make a pancake shape, cook for 8 mins over medium heat until underside is golden.  Tip out onto a baking tray and slide back into pan, cooked side up.  Cook 5-8 mins.

With a spoon, make 4 indentations in the rosti mix.  Crack an egg into each one, sprinkle with black pepper, cover pan and cook for 5 mins until eggs are just set.

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