Tuesday 7 January 2014

Lemon Meringue Puddings

Lemon Meringue Puddings

Serves 4

300g quark
1 lemon, rind and juice
3 eggs, separated
4 tbsp sweetener

·         Preheat oven to Gas Mark 4/180°C/350°F.
·         Beat the Quark in a bowl to make it smooth and creamy. Add lemon rind and juice, egg yolks and 2 tbsp of sweetener. Share between 4 small heatproof dishes or ramekins. Stand on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.
·         Meanwhile, whip egg whites in a grease-free bowl until they hold their shape. Whisk in remaining powdered sweetener.

·         Remove desserts from oven and pile meringue on top. Return to oven to bake for 5 more minutes, until golden brown. 

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