Tuesday 14 January 2014

Kofta (Indian Meatballs)

Kofta (Indian Meatballs)

Core recipe

1lb extra lean minced beef
1 garlic clove crushed
1 onion chopped really fine
1 green chilli deseeded and finely chopped
1cm fresh ginger, peeled and really finely chopped
few stems of fresh coriander, chopped finely
1-2 tsp. curry powder
2 tbsp 0% Greek yoghurt
a little salt

Mix beef, garlic, onion, chilli, ginger, coriander, curry powder.
Add and mix in salt and yoghurt.
Stand for half an hour.
Form into 24 balls.
Fry in frylight for 5-8 minutes, turning regularly until cooked through.

Serve on cocktail sticks at a party.  Or serve with curry sauce and brown rice, or maybe in a pitta with salad.

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