Tuesday 14 January 2014

Pasta with Crushed Peas and Tomatoes

Pasta with Crushed Peas and Tomatoes

Serves 4


400g wholewheat tagliatelle or spaghetti
100g bacon medallions, chopped
1 red onion, finely chopped
250g frozen peas, defrosted
110g cherry tomatoes
3 tbsp fat free plain fromage frais

Cook the pasta as per pack instructions.

Meanwhile heat a large pan and add the bacon.  Cook for 2 mins, then add the onion and cook until soft.  Throw in the tomatoes and when softened add the peas.  Cook 2-3 mins.

Add the fromage frias to the pan and stir through.  Crush lightly with a potato masher, adding a little water if necessary. Season well and toss with the drained pasta.  Serve.

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