Tuesday 14 January 2014

Leek & Bacon Wedges

Leek & Bacon Wedges

Serves 6

Core recipe

1 large leek, finely chopped
1 med onion, chopped
90g small wholewheat pasta shapes
90g bacon medallions, grilled until crisp then chopped
3 eggs, beaten
1 tbsp chopped fresh basil or parsley

Preheat oven to 190ºC/375ºF/Gas 5. Spray a 8"/20cm tin with frylight.

Cook the leek and onion in a small amount of lightly salted water. At the same time, cook the pasta in slated water until just tender, about 8-10 mins. Drain the veg and pasta and leave to cool slightly.

Combine leeks, onion, pasta, bacon, eggs and herbs. Season well and transfer to the prepared tin, levelling the surface.

Bake for 30 mins until firm and golden brown.


The original recipe also had in 90g Cheddar cheese, grated and added to the other ingredients.  This would be 10 pts.  This would work out at 1½ pts a serving.

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