Tuesday 28 January 2014

Stuffed Aubergine

Stuffed Aubergine

Serves 1

25g split red lentils (dry weight)
cooking spray
1 medium aubergine
½ onion, finely chopped
½ red pepper, finely chopped
2 medium tomatoes, skinned, de-seeded and finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tsp curry powder
½ tsp ground coriander
½ tsp chilli powder
1 tbsp tomato puree
salt and pepper

Put lentils i a small saucepan and cover with water.  Bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes.  Drain.

Heat a non-stick pan, spray with cooking spray.  stir fry the aubergine (whole) turning frequently for 8 minutes until soft and covered with brown patches.

Remove the aubergine from the pan and set aside to cool.

Heat the pan again and spray with oil. Stir fry the onion and red pepper for about 5 minutes until starting to go soft.

Meaanwhile cut the aubergine in half lengthways.  Scoop out the flesh using a spoon.  Spray each hollowed out half with oil.  Grill for about 6-8 minutes until they start to blacken.

Roughly chop the aubergine flesh ad add to the onion and pepper with the rest of the ingredients and the lentils. Stir to mix and heat gently until the aubergine shells are ready.

Season the mixture and spoon into the aubergine shells, grill 2 minutes and serve with a sprinkling of paprika.

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