Saturday 25 April 2020

Turkish Delight Mousse

Turkish Delight Mousse

Serves 4

Fullchoice  1pt per serving
No count  ½pt per serivng

1 sachet of sugar free strawberry jelly crystals, make up with 8 fl oz boiling water. When cool add 1 large pot of Strawberry Muller light (1½pts full choice free no count) and 1 and half sachets of Turkish Delight Options(1½pts)
 Mix all ingredients together and place in a shallow dish. Sprinkle remains of options (½pt) over the top and place in fridge until set

Change above ingredients, orange jelly,  vanilla Muller (1½pts free on no count) and choc orange options (1½pts for the 2 sachets).  Hey presto Chocolate Orange Mousse!

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