Tuesday 28 April 2020

No Peek Oriental Foil-Wrapped Chicken

No Peek Oriental Foil-Wrapped Chicken

Serves 4

For no count you need to count the Hoisin sauce.  I think this is ½pt per tbsp, so the whole recipe is 1½ pts

10oz frozen baby carrots, defrosted
4 skinless boneless chicken breasts
1 small can whole mushrooms,drained
1 small red pepper, cut into strips
3 tbsp Hoisin sauce (1½pts?)
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tsp grated ginger root
pinch paprika
spring onions, sliced

Heat oven to 425ºC 225ºF Gas 7

If the carrots are large, part cook them first for about 5 mins in boiling water then drain.

Take 4 x 18"x12" pieces foil.  On each piece place carrots, mushrooms and peppers.  Top with chicken breast.  Mix the hoisin, garlic, ginger and paprika and drizzle over the chicken & veg. 

Seal the foil parcels and place on a baking tray.  Bake for 30 mins until the chicken is tender.

Open foil packets very carefully.  Sprinkle with spring onion and serve.

Good with rice.

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