Tuesday 28 April 2020

Bacon-wrapped Chicken Breasts on Roasted Squash and Shallots with Roasted Vine Tomatoes

Bacon-wrapped Chicken Breasts on Roasted Squash and Shallots with Roasted Vine Tomatoes

No Count

Serves 4

1 portion butternut squash, medium, deseeded and cut into chunks
12 portion shallots, peeled and halved
5 spray low-fat cooking spray
1 teaspoon cumin seeds, (optional)
1 pinch salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper, freshly ground black pepper
4 medium chicken breast, uncooked, skinless
8 large leaf basil, or sage leaves
4 medium rasher lean back bacon
4 portion cherry tomatoes, on the vine
4 large leaf basil, or sage leaves, to garnish

  1. Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 6 / 200°C / fan oven 180°C.
  2. Put the butternut squash into a roasting pan with the shallots. Spray with low fat cooking spray and sprinkle with cumin seeds, if using. Season. Roast for 15 minutes.
  3. Place 2 sage or basil leaves on top of each chicken breast, then wrap a bacon rasher around each one, securing them with cocktail sticks.
  4. Remove the roasting tin from the oven and turn the vegetables over. Arrange the chicken breasts on top. Return to the oven and roast for a further 25-30 minutes, adding the vine tomatoes 5 minutes before the end of cooking time. Check that the chicken is cooked, by using a sharp knife to pierce the thickest part - the juices run clear. If there are traces of pink, cook for a little longer.
  5. Serve, garnished with a few more sage or basil leaves.
  6. Try using 2 medium red or white onions, thickly sliced, instead of the shallots.

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