Wednesday 29 April 2020

Mung Bean Pie

Mung Bean Pie 

No Count

Servings | 4
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 3.5

2 sprays low fat cooking spray
1 onion, finely chopped
2 carrots finely chopped
3 sticks celery, diced
8 oz mung beans cooked
2 tsp cayenne pepper
1tsp chopped fresh marjoram
1 tsp dried sage
1tbsp tom puree
1tsp yeast extract
1/2pt veg stock
salt and pepper
2lb potatoes, peeled and diced

60ml skimmed milk

Heat oil in large pan and fry onion, carrots and celery for 5 mins.

Add the cooked mung beans, cayenne pepper, marjoram, sage, tomato puree, yeast extract and stock. Cover and simmer for 10-15 mins. Adjust seasoning.

Meanwhile boil pots until cooked, drain and mash with milk.

Put the bean mixture into base of large casserole dish and top with potato.

Place in moderate over for 20 mins. If neccessary finish under grill till potato crisp and golden.

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