Tuesday 28 April 2020



Core recipe
Serves 4
3 large chicken breasts cut into bite size pieces
1 beaten egg,seasoned

½ pint stock using chicken stock cube
4 tabs white wine vinegar
2 tabs lemon juice
2 tabs soy sauce
a medium onion, sliced
½ green pepper, sliced
½ red or yellow pepper, sliced
12 cherry tomatoes
1 clove garlic crushed
1 tin pineapple chunks in juice
½ teaspoon turmeric
salt & pepper to taste
½ teaspoon sweetener
1 tablespoon cornflour
(technically the cornflour should be pointed but it is negligable.)

Cook the chicken pieces as in the chicken nugget recipe.
Spray a wok with Fry light and gently fry the onion,garlic and pepper for 2 minutes stirring well, add juice of pineapple and stock, stir well,add lemon juice, soy sauce, sweetener, turmeric, pineapple and tomatoes.
Mix the cornflour to a paste with a drop of water and mix into pan.
Stir well for 2 minutes.
Serve over the crispy chicken pieces with boiled rice.

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