Wednesday 29 April 2020

Butternut & Chilli Risotto

Butternut & Chilli Risotto 

No Count

Serves 4

1 red onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2-3 red chillis, deseeded & sliced
300g risotto rice
400g butternut squash, peeled and cut into 1½ cm cubes
1.2 litres boiling veg stock
salt & pepper
chopped fresh parsley

Spray a non-stick pan with frylight and saute the onion, garlic and chilli gently for 3-4 mins. Add the rice and stir for 1-2 mins.  Mix in the squash and cook for 2-3 mins stirring often.  Add enough boiling stock to just cover the rice mixture.  Stir and cook gently until most of the stock is absorbed before adding another ladleful of stock.  Continue like this until all the stock is used up and the rice is creamy and al dente (cooked but still firm to the bite) Remove from the heat, season and fold in the parsley.

Serve immediately.  Top with parmesan cheese if you like but remember to count the points....1½ pts per tbsp
Couscous with Grilled Mixed Vegetables No Count

For two servings soak 125g/4oz couscous in just enough boiling hot water to cover. Grill 2 seeded and halved red peppers under a hot grill until the skin is blackened. Seal in a plastic bag for a few minutes, then peel off the skin and cut the flesh into slices. Next char grill slices of courgette and aubergine and trimmed asparagus spears. Fluff up the prepared couscous, adding fresh lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste. Fork in the grilled vegetable slices. Sprinkle the salad with lots of fresh parsley or coriander. Serve with natural yogurt, if liked.

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