Wednesday 29 April 2020

Sweet & Sour Mixed Vegetables

Sweet & Sour Mixed Vegetables

Serves 2

3 pts per serving
Free on no count

1 Tin weight watchers tomato soup
4 rings unsweetened pineapple
1 tblespoon sweetner
1 onion
1 clove garlic
fry lite spray
handful mushrooms
mixed veg as much as liked, cooked until just tender
salt and pepper
dash of soy sauce
pineapple juice out of tin
mixed sliced peppers
boiled rice to serve

Spray frylite in frying pan
Add garlic,onion,mushrooms and peppers
Cook vegetables until soft

When onion etc are browned add tomato soup, sweetener, soy sauce and plenty of salt and pepper
Add a good splash of pineapple juice to taste
Add drained mixed veg
If needed slightly thicken with a little cornflour (pts on no count)
Serve with boiled rice or noodles

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