Tuesday 28 April 2020

Silken Chicken

Silken Chicken

Servings | 2
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 4
No Count Recipe

2 chicken breasts
1 teaspoon chilli powder
2 teaspoons of curry powder
1 tablespoon of ginger
A small tin of tomatoes
3 tablespoons of fat free natural greek yogurt
1 red onion, peeled and finely chopped
2 teaspoons garlic
1 tablespoon ground coriander
Half a teaspoon ground turmeric
Half a teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoons of paprika
10 fl oz chicken stock
1/4 teaspoon of garam masala
3-4 tablespoons of chopped coriander leaves
Cook the chicken at 180o for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown.
In a non-stick saucepan cook the onions in boiling water, add the garlic and ginger and cook for 2 minutes.
Add the coriander, turmeric, pepper,curry powder, paprika and chilli powder (add according to taste) Stir in for 1 minute.
Add a tablespoon of the yogurt and stir in until it is absorbed. Then add the remaining yogurt a tablespoon at a time. Add the tomatoes and stock, then leave it to simmer. Cover, reduce the heat and simmer gently for 15-20 minutes. The sauce should thicken.
Remove the chicken from the oven and cut into bite size pieces and stir into the sauce.
Then add the garam masala and corriander leaves.

Serve with rice, or vegetables.

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