Tuesday 28 April 2020

Chicken on a Beer Can

Chicken on a Beer Can

A BBQ recipe!

Count ½ pt for 30g (without skin)

1 x 1.8kg (4lb) roasting chicken
3 tbsp cajun spice mix
1 x 440ml can lager (2pts)
3 tbsp low cal marmalade (1½pts)

Remove giblets from chicken and rinse, inside and out.  Spray wiht frylight and rub the cajun spice mix into the skin.  season well.

Open can of lager and pour away (or drink...1 pt )  half of it.  Place the can on a solid surface and then wedge the chicken onto the can, so the can is inside the body of the chicken......the can, together with the chicken legs will form a sort of tripod.

Transfer to a medium high BBQ and cook for 1 hour with the grill cover on.  Mix the marmalade with 1 tbsp hot water and brush over the chicken, leave off grill and cook for 40 mins longer until the juices run clear.

Remove chicken from can, taking care...it's hot and carve.

Make sure chicken and beer can are stable on the oven shelf or bottom and cook at gas 6/200ºC for 1 hour 30 mins, covering with foil for the first hour.

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