Tuesday 28 April 2020

Warm Herbed Mushroom Salad

Warm Herbed Mushroom Salad  

No Count

Serves 4

Full Choice ½ pt per serving

1lb assorted mushrooms
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 bay leaf
1 tsp dried thyme
6 tbsp veg stock (90ml)
assorted salad leaves
4 tbsp fresh chopped parsley

4 tbsp very low fat fromage frias
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tbsp granulated sweetener
1 level tbsp wholegrain mustard
salt & pepper

Cut the mushrooms so that they are all about the same size.  Place in a large pan with the garlic, bay leaf, thyme and stock.  Cover and bring to the boil.  Cook over medium to high heat for 4-5 mins until they are just cooked.

meanwhile line plates with crisp lettuce leaves.  Miz all the dressing ingredients together.

When the mushrooms are cooked, spoon over the leaves with a slotted spoon.  Keep the mushroom stock for soup or stews.  Spoon over the dressing, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve immediately.

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