Wednesday 22 April 2020

Smoked haddock jacket

Smoked haddock jacket

Serves 1

5 pts per person

No Count 1½ pts for the laughing cow and the cheddar.  Use extra light philly instead of laughing cow to reduce the points to 1 per serving

1 medium jacket potato (250g)
125g piece smoked haddock
100ml skimmed milk
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 laughing cow light triangle
1pt worth of grated cheddar (20g BGTY mature cheddar)

Bake the jacket potato until soft. Poach the smoked haddock in a pan with the milk, then remove and flake. Cut the jacket potato in half and scoop out most of the flesh into a bowl, then mash. Add the laughing c0w, mustard and about 2 tbsp of the poaching milk. Mix well, adding seasoning then mix in the flaked fish. Replace in the potato skins, top with the grated cheese and return to the oven for 10 mins. Serve with tomato salad.

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