Wednesday 22 April 2020

Breakfast-style Jacket Potatoes

Breakfast-style Jacket Potatoes 

No Count

Servings | 2
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 5 full choice

2 medium sized baking potatoes
1 tsp low fat spread
1 large egg
3 rashers bacon
5 cherry tomatoes
Salt and pepper
spray oil
1 small onion chopped

Pierce potatoes all over with fork and cook on high in microwave for 8 minutes (or until they seem reasonably soft when cooking time ended). Leave to rest wrapped in foil for 5 minutes or so

Meantime trim all fat from bacon and fry in non-stick pan together with finely chopped onion, using a spray of oil

Slice in half and scoop out mashed potato filling, taking care to leave skin intact

In bowl mixed potato with beaten egg, chopped cooked bacon, onion, halved cherry tomatoes, low fat spread and salt and pepper to taste.

Return filling to each shell and bake at gas 4 for 20-25 minutes, until potato shell is nice and crispy and topping browned.

Serve two halves of potato per person

Would suit as a light dinner/lunch. To make more filling serve with beans (to continue the breakfast theme) and add points accordingly.

I had tried adding grated cheese to the mixture for more flavour, but grease that is released during cooking, just makes filling spill over and spoils consistency.

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