Monday 15 May 2017

Thai green vegetable curry

Thai green vegetable curry 

No Count

Serves 4
Full Choice 0 pts per serving

For the paste
1 ts Cumin seeds
1 ts Coriander seeds
3 Fresh green chilies, Chopped
1 tsp Chopped lemon grass
1 tsp Chopped coriander
1 tbls Chopped shallots
1 tbls Chopped garlic
1 tsp Chopped ginger
7 Peppercorns
pinch of Salt

mixed vegetables and of the following
carrot (thinly sliced)
butter nut squash thinly sliced
mange tout
baby corn
sliced mushroom
mixed peppers
spring onion

Place the cumin and coriander seeds in a pan, without adding any oil. Dry-fry them, stirring, for 1-2 minutes until they are aromatic and slightly browned.

Pound them with the remaining ingredients to produce a fine paste

Return to the pan and fry for a few seconds to release the falvour, add the veg (and cooked chicken strips if you wish). And fry for 5-6 mins.

This is great with jasmine rice, have any leftovers cold and turned into coronation style curry for tomorrows lunch (by add a tbls of mango chutney)

Vegetable Biriani

Vegetable Biriani

No count

Servings | 6
Full Choice 4 pts per serving

400 gms. basmati rice
1 cauliflower, cut into flowerettes
4 carrots, cut into 2.5 cm. long pieces
100 gms. french beans, cut into diamond shaped pieces
3 potatoes, cut into four pieces each
6 green cardamoms
2 tsp cinnamon
4 cloves
8 peppercorns
1 tsp. cumin
3 bay leaves
Few strands saffron

Masala for the veg:
2 large onions, sliced
1 pot of fat free yogurt
4 tsp chilli powder
1 inch grated fresh ginger
3 garlic cloves (crushed
2tsp mint
1 1/2 tsp garam masala powder
1 1/2 tsp coriander-cummin powder
Salt to taste
olive oil

For garnish:
1 can tomatoes
1 chilli chopped
2 onions

To prepare the vegetables:

Wash the vegetables and dry them well.

Mix all the ingredients for the masala, marinate the vegetables in it for one hour.

Fry the onions till well browned.

When cool, grind to a paste.

Wash and cook the rice in double the quantity of water. When done, remove the rice and spread it in a plate.
Keep aside to cool.

To prepare the rice:
Lightly roast the saffron, powder and sprinkle over the rice.
Fry the whole spices in a little olive oil
Add the vegetables and saute for five minutes. 10. Add a little water and cook the vegetables till done and almost dry.
In a baking dish arrange alternate layers of rice and the prepared vegetables.
Top with garnish and bake in a moderately hot oven for 20 minutes.

Pumpkin and Potato Curry

Pumpkin and Potato Curry

Servings | 4

No Count recipe

Points per serving 2

small pumpkin
potato x 2 medium
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp coriander powder
onion seeds
mustard seeds
garlic 1 clove
onion 1 medium
olive oil spray
tomato x 2 chopped/other veg of choice i.e courgette

Fry onion and garlic with spray oil
Stir in spices, stir in vegetables with tomato and add further spice to taste (none of these are hot) add some water/stock and cover and boil down (add lentils to thicken if you wish)

Can serve with rice or chapati
Liquidise if you prefer as soup 

Beany moussaka

Beany moussaka

No Count recipe

Onion. 1 roughly chopped
Garlic 2 cloved, crushed
cinnamon, 1/2 tsp
1 tin chopped toms
1 400g tin green lentils, drained and rinsed
1 400g tin mixed beans drained and rinsed
1 aubergine
1 med egg
300g low-fat greek yogurt
2 sliced toms.

Preheat the grill and preheat the oven to 190C, 375F gas 5.

Soften the onion in 1 tbsp olive oil or spray light for about 4 mins, then stir in the garlic, cinnamon and toms. Simmer for 3 mins, then mix in the drained lentils and mixed beans. Cook for a further 2 mins., season then tip the mixture onto a 20cm baking dish.

Meanwhile, cut the aubergine into 1cm slices. Lightly coat with spray oil, then grill for 3-4mins each side until golden brown and tender. Layer them on top of the beany mixture.

Mix the egg with the yogurt and seasoning, then spread evenly over the aubergines. Top with the sliced toms and bake for 35-40 mins.

Sweetcorn Pancakes

Sweetcorn Pancakes

No Count Recipe

From the WW boards

1 small tin of sweetcorn blended with 4 tblsp low fat plain youghurt until smooth. Pour into a bowl and beat in half tub garlic and herb ELF with 2 eggs and a splash of skimmed milk. Add another tin of drained sweetcorn. Add 1 heaped tsp baking powder and enough polenta to make a thick batter. Season with salt, pepper and chilli flakes if liked.

Spray a non-stick frying pan with fry-lite and cook spoonfuls until crisp brown and fluffy, turn over and cook the other side.

Delicious with salsa and a little extra ELF on top. Would also be good with bacon too!

Butternut Squash Curry

Butternut Squash Curry

Serves 4

Full Choice 7 pts full recipe
                2 pts per serving

No Count ½ pt per serving if using curry paste

1 onion, chopped
1 butternut squash, deseeded, peeled & chopped
2 tbsp curry paste (2½pts) or use curry powder
560 ml veg stock
100g red lentils, rinsed
200g can plum tomatoes, drained & sliced

Heat a large pan and spray with frylight.  Cook the onion for 5 mins until softened.  Add the squash amd toss with the onion.  Stir in the curry paste or powder, then add the stock and tomatoes.

Tip in the lentils and bring to the boil.  Cover and simmer for 20-25 mins.

Chestnut & Vegetable Burgers

Chestnut & Vegetable Burgers

Serves 4

Full Choice 3 pts per serving

No Count 5 pts the lot

125g plain couscous
150ml double-strength veg stock
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 carrots, grated
1 courgette, grated
200g vacuum pack whole chestnuts, very finely chopped (5pts)
1 egg beaten
3 tbsp chopped fresh chives
1 tsp dried marjoram
1 tsp dried thyme

Place couscous in a bowl, cover with stock and leave to stand for 15 mins.

Meanwhile fry the onion, using frylight, until beginning to soften.  Add the garlic, carrot and courgette and cook for a further 5 mins.

Mix all the ingredients together and shape into 8 burgers.

Grill the burgers under a medium grill for 15 mins, turning halfway through.

Provencal Vegetables with couscous

Provencal Vegetables with couscous

Serves 4

Full Choice 4 pts per serving
No Count 1½pt per serving

220g couscous (11 pts)
pinch saffron
½ tsp each ground cumin, coriander, salt
1 tbsp dried herbes de provence
2 tsp harrissa paste (½pt)
2 tbsp lemon juice
300ml hot veg stock
1 broccoli, cut into florets
1 aubergine diced
3 red or yellow peppers, chopped
2 courgettes, sliced
12 cherry tomatoes
8 spring onions, sliced
50g pinenuts (5½pts)

Mix couscous with saffron, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, salt, herbs, harissa, lemon juice and stock.  Cover and set aside.

Blanch the broccoli in boiling water for 5 mins. Drain and set aside.

Fry the aubergine in a non-stick pan, sprayed with frylight, until soft and slightly blackened, then add tomatoes and broccoli and cook for a further 5 mins.

Mix the cooked veg into the couscous with the spring onion and pinenuts.

Serve hot or cold.

Thai Spiced Aubergine Curry

Thai Spiced Aubergine Curry

Serves 4

1½ pts per serving both plans

2 red onions, finely chopped
1 large aubergine, diced
300ml veg stock
1 tbsp flour
300ml skimmed milk
2 tsp finely chopped lemon grass
25g dessicated coconut
2 tbsp chopped fresh basil
salt & pepper

For the curry paste:
4 tbsp tomato puree
2 tps ground cumin
½ tsp ground cinnamon
1 x 2½cm piece (1") fresh ginger, grated
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 small red chillis, seeded and chopped
juice of 1 lime

Place curry paste ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth.

Preheat a non stick wok or frying pan.  Dry fry the onions and aubergine for 8-10 mins until soft.  Add 2-3 tbsp stock and sprinkle flour over, mixing well.

Add curry paste and cook for 1 min, stirring well and then gradually add the remaining stock.

Add milk, lemon grass and coconut.  Simmer for 20 mins, gently or until the sauce thickens.  Season well and just before serving, stir in the chopped basil.

Pasta with Lemon & Mushroom Sauce

Pasta with Lemon & Mushroom Sauce

Serves 4

Sauce: 0 pts and suitable for No count & Core(UK)

255g brown chestnut mushrooms, roughly chopped
200ml vegetable stock
1 garlic clove, crushed
3 tbsp chopped, fresh flat leaf parsley
juice and zest of 1 lemon
salt & pepper

Place mushrooms in a pan with the stock, garlic and pasrley, cook rapidly for 10 mins.  Stir in the lemon juice and zest, season well and serve over pasta.

Pasta: free on no count/core

          1 pt per 20g dry weight points plan.

Pasta with Pink Courgette Sauce

Pasta with Pink Courgette Sauce

Serves 4

Free on no count & core (uk)

4 small courgettes, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 x 400g can chopped tomatoes
175g very low fat fromage frais
2 tbsp chopped fresh basil
salt & pepper

Heat a non-stick pan and spray lightly with frylight.  Add the courgettes and garlic and fry until lightly browned.  Drain the tomatoes and add to the pan, stir and cook for 5 mins.  Stir in the fromage frais and basil, season well, heat gently (do not boil) and serve over pasta.

Pasta free on no count/core (UK)

1 pt per 20g dry weight on points.

Pasta with Roasted Pepper Sauce

Pasta with Roasted Pepper Sauce

Serves 4

Free on Core (UK)
1 pt the whole lot no count & points

2 red peppers, halved & deseeded
2 yellow peppers, halved & deseeded
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp virgin olive oil
2 tbsp chopped fresh chives
salt & pepper

Place the peppers cut side down on a grill pan.  Grill 15 mins until the skins are charred.  Place in a plastic bag and leave for 5 mins.  Remove from the bag and peel off the skins. 

Place the peppers, vinegar, oil and chives in a food processor and blend until fairly smooth.  Season, reheat gently and serve over pasta.

Pasta free on no count /core (UK)

1 pt per 20g dry weight points

Spiced Red Beans

Spiced Red Beans

Serves 4

No Count recipe

2 x 400g cans kidney beans, drained & rinsed.
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp root ginger, grated
½ tsp turmeric
1 tbsp ground coriander
2 dried red chillies (or to taste)
3 tomatoes, seeded & chopped
¼ tsp garam masala
1 tbsp lemon juice
fresh coriander

Spray a pan with frylight.  Cook onion, cumin, garlic and ginger for 1 min.  Add turmeric, ground coriander, chillies and tomatoes and cook for 5 mins.  Add garam masala, lemon juice and season.  Discard chillies.

Add beans to spiced mixture and stir well.  Cook 5- 10 mins, stirring occasionally until heated through.

Serve sprinkled with fresh chopped coriander

Baked Mushroom Puddings

Baked Mushroom Puddings

No Count/Core recipe
Serves 2
Points plan: 1 pt per serving

225g open cup mushrooms, chopped
25g onion, finely chopped
150 ml veg stock
1 medium egg, beaten
3 tbsp skimmed milk
1 tsp Dijon mustard
100g passata
salt & pepper

Pre-heat oven to 180ºC/350ºF/Gas 4

Put the mushrooms and the onion into a pan with the veg stock. Bring to the boil, lower the heat and simmer for 5 mins or until onion is softened.

Drain well (saving the stock). Put the veg into a food processor and blemd until smooth.  Add the egg, milk and mustard and blend for another 15 seconds.

Transfer to 2 ramekins which have been sprayed with frylight and cover with foil.

Bake 20-25 mins until quite firm.

Meanwhile heat the passata, adding a little of the reserved stock to make a sauce like consistency.  Season. Turn out the puddings and serve with the sauce.

Cabbage Leaves with Caraway Cheese Stuffing

Cabbage Leaves with Caraway Cheese Stuffing

Serves 6

24 large cabbage leaves
175g chopped onion
750g extra light philladelphia cheese
½ tsp thyme
up to 2 heaped tbsp caraway seeds
1 heaped tbsp paprika
salt & pepper
2 eggs

2 tbsp healthy oil (1 tsp per person)

Blanch the cabbage leaves in boiling salted water for 7 mins until tender and pliable.  Drain & dry on a clean cloth or kitchen paper.

Cook onion gently in frylight and mix into the cheese with the thyme, caraway seeds and paprika.  Fill the cabbage leaves & roll up.

Fry the cabbage lightly, allowing 15 mins to heat through.  Serves with a tomato sauce.

Note:  Alternatively, put the cabbage rolls into a dish and cover with tomato sauce.  Bake covered, Gas 4/180ºC for 15 -20 mins.

Hot and Spicy Chick Peas

Hot and Spicy Chick Peas

Serves 2

Points plan: 3½ pts per serving

Core recipe  (use oil from allowance or count)

 1 can chick peas (15 1/2 oz; 439 gr)
 1 medium onion, finely chopped
 1 teaspoon ginger, finely chopped
 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
 1 green chilli, finely chopped  
 2 medium well ripened tomatoes, seeded and chopped
 1 tablespoon fresh coriander chopped
 1 tablespoon lemon juice
 2 tsp olive oil
   spices :
       1/2 teaspoon turmeric
       1/2 tablespoon ground coriander
       1 coffeespoon garam masala
       salt to taste
Drain chick peas, reserving the liquid.

Cook the onions, ginger garlic, chilies and turmeric in the oil until
golden and softened.

Add the tomatoes and cook to soften, then add the ground coriander and
chick peas.
Cook for 10 minutes, add the reserved liquid and cook a further 10
Add garam masala, lemon juice and stir in the fresh coriander. Cook
gently for 2-3 minutes, adding more liquid, if needed, to make a sauce.

Mushroom & Butterbean Stroganoff

Mushroom & Butterbean Stroganoff

Serves 2
4 points per serving
Core recipe

1 large onion
1 lb mushrooms
420 g Sainsbury's Butter Beans, In Water With Sugar & Salt Added
100 g very low-fat plain fromage frais
1tsp nutmeg
1 tsp Colmans English Mustard
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp curry powder

Cook the onion in a little water until soft.
Add all the spices
Slice the mushrooms and cook until soft.
Off the heat, add in the fromage frais.

Nice served with rice or a jacket potato.

Macaroni Tomatoes

Macaroni Tomatoes

Serves 2
3½ points per serving

4 large beef tomatoes
2 small garlic
1/3 tablespoon paprika
90 g dried pasta, should be macaroni
1 small onion
1/2 level tsp mustard powder
3-5 drops Tabasco pepper sauce
40 g half-fat cheddar cheese

Cook and drain the pasta.

Cut the tops off the tomatoes and scoop out the middle. (Keep the tomato tops)
Put the tomato middle into a pan with the onion, garlic, paprika, mustard power, Tabasco and some black pepper.

Cook over a low heat for 10 minutes. Mush it all up with a hand blender.

Add this to the pasta and stir in most of the cheese.

Put the mixture into the tomatoes and top with left over cheese.

Put the tops back on and bake at 170c for 15 to 20 minutes.

Lentil and cottage cheese lasagne

Lentil and cottage cheese lasagne

Serves 4
Points plan: 12½ Points in total, 3 per serving
Core recipe

1 can Green Lentils (4pts)
1 bay leaf
225 g Natural Cottage Cheese (4½pts)
4  Lasagne Sheets (4pts)
1 can Chopped Tomatoes
3 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon dried mixed herbs

Mix the can of tomatoes with the garlic and herbs and leave to stand.

Boil the lentils with 2 bay leaves for about 20 minutes.

Put half the lentils in the bottom of a dish, add half of the cottage cheese and 2 lasagne sheet.

Repeat and top with the tomatoes.
Cook at 180c for about 20 minutes.

Chilli bean risotto

Chilli bean risotto

Serves 4
Points: 9 points in total, 2½ per serving

1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 teaspoon(s) olive oil
115 g cooked Arborio (risotto) rice,
1 stock cube, (use vegetable stock cube to make 1 pint)
2 large tomatoes, skinned and chopped
1/4 teaspoon oregano, dried (a good pinch)
200 g cooked kidney beans, in chilli sauce
salt, to taste
Black pepper to taste
15 g parmesan cheese, freshly grated
1 tablespoon(s) parsley, chopped fresh

Heat a large, non-stick frying pan until hot and then toss in the onion, garlic and oil. Sauté for 5 minutes, until softened.

Add the rice and cook, stirring, for 1 minute, until opaque.

Stir in a quarter of the stock and cook gently until it has all been absorbed. Stir occasionally.

Add the remaining stock in three or four steps, stirring frequently and ensuring all the stock has absorbed each time before you add any more. This will take about 15 minutes.

When the rice is softening and nearly all the stock has been absorbed stir in the tomatoes, kidney beans in chilli sauce, oregano and seasoning.
Serve at once, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and parsley.

Broccoli Bake

Broccoli Bake

Serves 4
Points: 10½ in total, 2½ per serving

450 g mushrooms
1 medium onion
3 large tomato(s)
1 tablespoon(s) Sainsbury's Tomato Puree
10 fl oz water
75 g dried pearl barley
150 g broccoli
3/4 pint(s) skimmed milk
150 g Tesco Healthy Eating Extra Light Soft Cheese
1 tablespoon(s) Sainsbury's Cornflour

Gently cook broccoli - I steamed mine but you can boil it for a few minutes until softened. Put to one side.

In large pan, gently cook mushrooms (sliced or halved depending on size) with chopped tomatoes and onion. When softened, add tomato puree and water. Simmer gently. Season to taste with salt, pepper and herbs. Add Pearl Barley. Continue to simmer for 10-15 minutes. When thickened, remove tomato mixture from heat and put in large baking dish.

Place cooked broccoli across the top. Gradually mix cornflour and milk in the pan, off the heat. When all mixed in, gently heat, stirring continually. When thickened and smooth, add the soft cheese.

It is best to take it off the heat but if the cheese is very slow to melt in, put back on a gentle heat until fully absorbed. When smooth, poor over the broccoli. 
Place complete dish in warmed oven - 180C, - for about 15 minutes.

Serve with jacket potato if you want to bulk it out, and add any green veg. Or you can have a side salad.

Bean & veggie casserole.

Bean & veggie casserole.
Serves 4
Points per serving 3  1/2 points.
Core recipe

1 large can Chick Peas
1 Large can Red Kidney Beans
2 large can(s) canned tomatoes
1 can Baby Jersey Royal New Potatoes
2 lb carrots
50 g spring onions
1 lb leeks

Add any free veggies you like.

I also added some chilli, garlic herbs and for a more tomato flavour add some tomato puree.

Place all veggies with tomatoes and seasoning in a slow cooker and cook until tender, add chick peas and red kidney beans for last 30 minutes.

Baked bean cobbler

Baked bean cobbler

Serves 4
Points per serving 5.5

150 g self raising flour
1/4 teaspoon(s) salt, to taste
1/2 teaspoon(s) baking powder
1 teaspoon(s) fresh or dried herbs, mixed
40 g polyunsaturated margarine
4 tablespoon(s) skimmed milk, plus extra for glazing
400 g baked beans
200 g sweetcorn, can
1 heaped table spoon sweetcorn relish, chilli relish
1 serving(s) pepper, freshly ground black

Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 5/190°C/375°F. Sift the flour, ½ teaspoon salt and baking powder together. Then mix in the herbs. Using your fingertips, rub in the margarine until the mixture resembles fine crumbs.

Add ¾ of the milk and make a firm dough adding more milk as necessary. You may need some more milk, but don't allow the dough to get sticky. Divide the dough into four balls, patting them gently into round shapes about 1 cm (½-inch) thick.

Tip the beans into a medium-size shallow ovenproof dish. Drain the sweetcorn and mix in along with the sauce. Season and stir.

Drop the scones on top, brush with a little extra milk. Bake for about 20 minutes until the scones are risen and golden baked bean cobbler freezes well if you freeze the uncooked scones separately from the casserole.

Aubergine and Lentil Pie

Aubergine and Lentil Pie

Serves 4

4.5 points each (18 points total)
Core recipe

1 aubergine
1lb mushrooms
1 medium onion
1 can tomatoes
4 large tomatoes
1 medium courgette
1 can Sainsbury's Green Lentils, in Salted Water
1000 g potatoes)
2 tablespoons Extra Light Soft Cheese

Slice aubergine and cook slices gently in fry pan until softened. Move to large baking dish. Hold back half of them for the next layer.

Top each slice with a thickly sliced tomato.

In a separate pan, gently cook together the chopped mushrooms, onion and courgette. Add the can of chopped tomatoes. Season to taste. Add lentils and boil gently for 10 minutes.

Pour half the lentil mix onto the layer of aubergine and tomato. Then spread the remaining aubergine on top, again topped with tomato slices, and cover with the remaining mixture.

Gently boil the potatoes until soft.

Drain and place in a large bowl. Add the soft cheese and mash to a smooth mixture.

Spoon the potato over the lentil mix. Use a fork to smooth and pattern it.
Add some black pepper to the top.

Bake in a moderate oven for 30 minutes - be careful not to burn the potato topping.

Cauliflower & Mustard Mash Casserole

Cauliflower & Mustard Mash Casserole

Serves 2
4.5 points per serving.
Core recipe

450 g potatoes
1/2 a cauliflower
1/2 level teaspoon mustard
2 medium onion
1 lb mushrooms
2 leeks
1 small broccoli
95 g green or brown whole dried lentils
1 Vegetable Stock Cube or Italian oxo
2 tablespoons Tomato Puree
4 large tomatoes

Cook Potatoes and Cauliflower in water until softened, then drain. Mash together with mustard. Set to one side.

Gently cook onions, mushrooms broccoli and leeks in a large saucepan until slightly softened. Stir lots! Add tomato puree. Add about 1 pint of veggie stock or Italian Oxo. Mix well then add the lentils. Simmer gently for 15 - 20 minutes.

Once cooked, transfer to baking dish and cover carefully with the potato mix.
Top with sliced tomatoes, season to taste.

Cook in moderate oven for 15 minutes.

Irish Leek and Potato Bake

Irish Leek and Potato Bake

Serves 4
4½ points per serving

450g small floury potatoes, unpeeled
low fat cooking spray
450g leeks, sliced thickly, rinsed and drained
1 garlic clove, crushed
50g low fat cheddar cheese, grated
for the sauce
2 tbsp polyunsaturated margarine
2tbsp plain flour
600ml skimmed milk
100g low fat soft cheese
1 tbsp French mustard

Put the potatoes in a large pan of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes until tender.  

Meanwhile, heat a large casserole and spray with low fat cooking spray then add leeks and season.  Cover and leave to sweat for 20 minutes over the lowest possible heat.  

To make the cheese sauce, melt the margarine in a small saucepan then add flour.  Cook for 2 minutes then gradually add milk a little at a time, stirring between additions to make a smooth sauce.  Add the soft cheese and heat gently, stirring until melted in.  Add mustard then season and set aside.

Preheat oven to 180*c.  Drain potatoes, peel and chop into cubes and add to the leeks along with the garlic and cheese sauce, stirring gently to combine.  Sprinkle grated cheese over and bake for 20 minutes until bubbling and golden on top.

Thai Red Vegetable Curry

Thai Red Vegetable Curry

Serves 4 
2 points per serving

2tbsp red curry paste
6 medium shallots, chopped finely
2 medium red peppers, deseeded and diced finely
2 medium carrots, peeled and cut into matchsticks
300ml vegetable stock
2 dried or fresh kaffir lime leaves, or the zest of 1 lemon or 2 limes
100g mushrooms
150g can sliced bamboo shoots, rinsed and drained
100ml reduced fat coconut milk
300ml soya milk (guess you could use semi skimmed instead)
200g beansprouts
2 heads bok choy, sliced
small bunch fresh coriander, chopped

Heat a large frying pan or wok and add the curry paste, dry fry for 30 seconds.  

Add shallots, red peppers and carrots and stir fry over a high heat for 2 minutes until just browning on the edges, then add the stock and lime leaves.  Bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minute, then add the mushrooms, bamboo shoots, coconut milk and soya milk.  Cook for a further 15 minutes on a low heat but do not allow to boil  

Add beansprouts and bok choy and cook for 2 minutes, then stir in coriander and serve.

Tip:the remaining coconut milk will freeze in 100ml quantities for another time.

Winter Vegetable Casserole with Spicy Dumplings

Winter Vegetable Casserole with Spicy Dumplings

Serves 4
5½ points per serving

For the dumplings:
90g self raising white flour
pinch salt
1tsp ground coriander
1tsp cumin seeds
2tbsp polyunsaturated margarine

For the casserole
2tsp vegetable oil
90g shallots or small onions, halved
1 leek, sliced
1 large carrot, sliced
225g parsnips, chopped
2 celery sticks, chopped
1.2 litres vegetable stock
25g pearl barley or bulgur wheat
400g canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained
175g cauliflower, broken into florets
handful of parsley or coriander to garnish (optional)

Sift flour and salt into large bowl and mix in ground coriander and cumin seeds.  Rub in margarine until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.  Add enough cold water to make a soft but not sticky dough.  Form into eight dumplings, cover and set aside.

Heat oil in large saucepan then sauté the shallots or onions, leek, carrot, parsnips and celery for 5 minutes, without browning them.  Add the stock, pearl barley or bulgur wheat, and chickpeas to the saucepan.  Bring to the boil then reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.  

Add cauliflower and dumplings to the saucepan.  Cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until dumplings are cooked, they should be light and fluffy.  Season casserole to taste.  

Serve, garnished with parsley or coriander if liked, allowing 2 dumplings per person.

Spinach and Potato Gratin

Spinach and Potato Gratin

Serves 4
7½ points per serving

750g potatoes, peeled and sliced about 5mm thick
750g fresh spinach, washed well
2 tsp olive oil
250g half fat mature cheese, grated
350g tomatoes, sliced
2 eggs
150ml low fat plain yogurt

Preheat oven to 180%c.  

Cook potatoes in large pan of boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain.  Pack the spinach into a very large pan and add a little water.  Cover with a lid and cook for 4-5 minutes, by which time the spinach will have wilted.  Drain spinach well, squeezing out any excess liquid with the back of a spoon.  

Use the olive oil to grease a large shallow ovenproof dish.  Layer half the potatoes over the base, season to taste.  Sprinkle with half the cheese then cover with the spinach.  Top with remaining potatoes and finally a layer of sliced tomatoes.  Scatter the rest of the cheese evenly over the surface.  

Beat together the eggs and yogurt with some seasoning.  Pour this carefully over the cheese then bake for 40-50 minutes or until golden.

*use low fat cooking spray and save ½ point per serving.

Baked Feta & Tomato Marrow

Baked Feta & Tomato Marrow

Serves 4 
3½points per serving

For the tomato sauce
400g can chopped tomatoes
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 stick celery, finely chopped
1 small carrot, finely chopped
½ garlic clove, chopped
a small bunch fresh parsley
a dash of Worcestershire sauce
1tsp caster sugar
2tsp chopped fresh thyme

For the marrow
675g marrow, peeled, deseeded and cut into 5cm rings
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 tsp vegetable oil
1 garlic clove, chopped
175g mushrooms, roughly chopped
175g cooked long grain rice
1tsp chopped fresh rosemary
100g feta cheese, crumbled

Put all ingredients for sauce in a heavy based saucepan, cover and simmer over a gentle heat for 30 minutes.  Liquidise sauce and return to pan, adjusting seasoning to taste.  If it is too thin, reduce by boiling rapidly.  Keep warm

Meanwhile preheat oven to 200*c.  Cook marrow in boiling water for 3-4 minutes or until tender.  Drain thoroughly, drying on kitchen towel then arrange in a shallow ovenproof dish.  Cook onion in the oil in a frying pan until soft.  Add garlic and cook for further minute before adding mushrooms.  Increase heat and stirfry mushrooms evaporating any liquid released.  Stir in rice and rosemary.  

Divide between marrow rings and sprinkle over feta cheese.  Bake in oven for 12-15 minutes, or until piping hot and golden brown.  Serve with tomato sauce.

Cabbage Parcels with a Spicy Rice and Mushroom Filling

Cabbage Parcels with a Spicy Rice and Mushroom Filling

Points plan 1 pt per serving
Serves 4

8 large leaf cabbage
1 teaspoon sunflower oil
1 small onion(s), chopped finely
75 g mushrooms, chopped finely
1/2 teaspoon spices, allspice, ground
125 g rice, cooked, brown or wild
1 pinch salt, to taste
1 serving pepper, freshly ground, black
1 portion stock cube, (make 1/2 pint)
1 small onion(s), grated
1 clove garlic, crushed
400 g canned tomatoes
1 teaspoon oregano, dried
1/4 teaspoon white sugar, (a pinch)

Blanche the cabbage leaves in salted, boiling water for 1 minute, then drain and refresh under cold running water. Set aside on kitchen paper whilst you prepare the filling.

Heat the oil in a saucepan and gently cook the onion, until soft. Add the mushrooms and cook for 3-4 minutes. Stir in the allspice and rice. Season, to taste. Spoon equal amounts of the filling on to each leaf and roll them up, tucking in the ends to form neat parcels.

Place the parcels in the base of a large saucepan and pour over the stock. Cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the quick tomato sauce. Put all the ingredients (from onion to oregano) in a small pan and simmer, for 15 minutes. Season, to taste.

To serve, remove the hot parcels with a slotted spoon and arrange two on each plate, with a little tomato sauce spooned alongside. 

Cowboy Pie

Cowboy Pie

From the WW boards

18 points values per recipe  4.5 per serving
Core recipe

serves 4

1 Onion
low fat cooking spray
200ml (7floz) vegetable stock
350g Quorn mince
420g can low fat, low salt baked beans
230g can chopped toms (I used 400g)
salt and feshly ground black pepper
750g (1lb 10oz) potatoes, peeled and cut into 5mm (1/4inch slices)

Cook the onion in low fat cooking spray for 5 mins until softened, adding a splash of vegetable stock if needed to prevent it from sticking

Stir in the quorn mince, beans and chopped tomatoes and remaining stock, season and simmer for 5 minutes, then pour into a baking dish.

Add the sliced potatoes to a large pan of boiling water. Stir so that they don't stick together and cook gently for 4 minutes or unitl tender but not falling apart.

Drain carefully and arrange on top of the mince mixture. Lightly mist with low fat cooking spray and bake in the oven for 25mins until the topping is golden and crisp!

Tasty Lentil & Chestnut Shepherd's Pie

Tasty Lentil & Chestnut Shepherd's Pie

From the WW boards

Serves 4
Points per serving 4

100g dried french green lentils (AKA Puy lentils / Lentilles Vertes)
2 small carrots (or 1 large)
1 large onion, peeled
2tsp olive oil
475 g peeled potatoes
400g can chopped tomatoes
100g pre-cooked chestnuts, very roughly chopped
2tbsp skimmed milk
40g half-fat cheddar cheese, finely grated
Salt & Pepper

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.

Boil lentils according to packet instructions.

Chop carrots and onion into large chunks and place in food processor. Process until you have a thick paste with some small pieces. Fry the carrot and onion paste in the olive oil in a non-stick frying pan for approximately 15 minutes, or until the mixture has dried considerably and starts to brown.

Meanwhile, chop the peeled potatoes and boil until soft enough to mash.

Drain the lentils, reserving the cooking water, and mix with the cooked carrot and onion. Drain the excess juice from the can of tomatoes into the lentil water, and add the chopped tomatoes to the lentil mix. Stir in the roughly chopped chestnuts. This forms the main part of the shepherd pie. If the mix is too dry, add some of the lentil water and tomato juice. Season to taste.

Drain the cooked potatoes and mash thoroughly. Stir in skimmed milk gradually until the potatoes are the texture of 'creamed potato' rather than English mash. Season to taste.

Spread the lentil mix evenly into a lasagne dish, smoothing the top with the back of a spoon.
Dollop the mash on top and even out the level using a fork. If you like you can create a pattern with the fork. Sprinkle the finely-grated cheese across the top of the pie.

Place in the oven for 25-35 minutes, until the top is golden brown and crispy.


I use Chataignes chestnuts which I bring back from France when I go to visit a friend...but you can get pre-cooked chestuts in large supermarkets. If you can't find any, just leave them out! This will reduce the points to 3.5 per portion.

Puy lentils are very expensive, but if you look for supermarket own-brand French green lentils, or Lentilles Vertes, these are exactly the same as Puy lentils but about half the price. You could probably use tinned lentils instead of cooking them but I don't know how much you would need. 

Aubergine Madras

Aubergine Madras

Core if you use curry powder
Serves 1
Points per serving 1

1 aubergine
1 tsp curry paste
1 med onion, chopped
Frylight spray
2 cloves garlic crushed
½ tsp each ground cumin, coriander, garam masala
100 mls veg stock
2 tbsp plain low fat yogurt
2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander

Heat oven to 180C.

Cut aubergine in half lengthways and place cut side up on baking tray.

Score surface of aubergine in criss cross pattern - 2cms wide.
Spread surface of aubergine with curry paste.

Bake aubergines for 20 mins till soft.

Meanwhile fry onion and garlic in pan till softened, add spices and continue to cook for 1 min.

Remove from heat. Chop aubergine along score lines, when cooked and add to spice & onion mixture with veg stock.

Bring to boil and boil rapidly for 5 - 10 mins till nearly dry - watch not to burn!
Remove from heat and season, add yogurt and coriander before serving.


This makes a low point lunch with salad and low pt naan or as accompaniment to chicken tikka.
Serve with rice if preferred but add extra points. 

Mushroom Provencal

Mushroom Provencal

Core recipe
Serves 4
Points per serving 1

5 spray Sunflower Oil Spray
1 large onion(s)
1 clove garlic
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon dried sage
4 large tomato(s)
1 lb mushrooms
9 oz Tagliatelle

Chop onion and garlic, place in a pan with herbs and seaasonsings and cook until onion starts to soften.
peel and halve the tomatoes and stir them into the pan with the chopped mushrooms.
Boil the tagliatelle and when cooked stir into other ingredients. Serve with side salad

Creamy Leek and Mushroom Pasta

Creamy Leek and Mushroom Pasta

Serves 1
4 pts per serving
Core recipe

60g penne
110g leeks, sliced and rinsed
low fat cooking spray
salt and freshly ground black pepper
110g mushrooms, chopped roughly
1 garlic clove, crushed
1tsp thyme, freshly chopped
40g low fat soft cheese

Tip the penne into a pan of boiling water and cook for 10-12 mins until tender.

Meanwhile, coat the sliced leeks in low fat cooking spray in a non stick saucepan. Add seasoning and 2tbsp water, cover the pan and cook for 3 mins.

Add the mushrooms, garlic and thyme to the leeks, re-cover the pan and cook for 5 mins. Stir in the low fat soft cheese into the juices to make a creamy sauce.

Drain the pasta and toss together with the sauce. Serve in a warmed bowl.

Beanie Burgers with Salsa

Beanie Burgers with Salsa

Serves 2
1½ pts per serving
Core recipe

Freeze burgers only

1x 410g can flageolet or haricot beans, rinsed and drained
1 med egg white
1/2 tbsp med curry powder
sald and freshly ground black pepper
4 spring onions, chopped
75g carrot, peeled and grated coarsely
low fat cooking spray
2 tomatoes, diced small

Tip the beans into a food processor, adding the egg white, curry powder and seasoning. Pulse until mixed, but without processing into a smooth paste.

Stir in half the spring onions and all of the grated carrot and mix briefly.

Use damp hands to shape the sticky mix into four burgers.
Lightly coat a non stick frying pan with the low fat cooking spray and fry the burgers for 5 mins each side over a med heat.

While the burgers are cooking, mix the diced tomatoes with the rest of the spring onions and seasoning. Serve the salsa spooned over the hot burgers

Chickpea and Pepper Curry

Chickpea and Pepper Curry

Serves 2

2½ pts per serving
Core recipe

Freeze if required

1 red and 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and chopped roughly
1 tbsp med curry powder
1x 230g chopped tomatoes
100g low fat plain yogurt
1x 410g can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp coriander, freshly chopped, optional

Spray a non stick saucepan with the low fat cooking spray and fry the peppers for 4 mins until slightly browned.
Stir in the curry powder and cook for 30 secs to develop the flavour, then mix in the chopped tomatoes, ogurt and chickpeas. Add seasoning, cover the pan and simmer for 10 mins.
Stir in the coriander, if using, just before serving.
Serve with 150g cooked brown rice for 3pts or spoon over med jacket potato for 2.5pts 

Spicy Bean Burgers

Spicy Bean Burgers

Core recipe

1 tin kidney beans (in water) drained and rinsed
2 spring onions chopped
1 small carrot grated
small amount of red chilli, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
small piece of red pepper chopped
some petit pois
1 tsp tomato puree
cayenne pepper, chilli powder or any spices you fancy!

Basicly put a spot of olive oil or frylight in a fry pan on a low heat (if using fry light add a bit of water to help everything soften as I find it evaporates really fast) add all ingredient apart from beans. Allow to soften for about 5 mins, just so onion and garlic is not raw.

Mash the beans in a bow till they go slightly creamy in texture - i used a fork.

When the other stuff is softened tip it in the bowl with the beans, add the tomato puree, spices (i used about half a teaspoon of chilli powder, cumin, but really use whatever you fancy)

Mix well, you could add an egg at this point if you wish but mine was a bit sticky so though best not.

Shape into burgers of any size you wish, I rolled mine in some semolina, but only if you like, then fry gently in olive oil/frylight, or even put in oven till golden brown.

Mixed Bean and Sweet Potato Stew

Mixed Bean and Sweet Potato Stew

Core recipe from the WW boards

Serves 4
Per portion: 254 kcal, 15g protein, 2g fat, 45g carbohydrate

Spray of oil
400g canned mixed beans
2 onions, peeled and chopped
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
2 red chillies, deseeded and finely sliced
600g sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
4 tbsp canned sweetcorn
2 x 400g cans of tomatoes
Handful of fresh coriander
Salt and freshly ground pepper

Spray a little oil into a large casserole and heat on the stove.
Add the onions, garlic and chillies and cook for 5 minutes. Add all the remaining ingredients, season well and bring to the boil. Simmer for 20 minutes.
Garnish with fresh coriander.

Mallorcan Potato and Vegetable Casserole

Mallorcan Potato and Vegetable Casserole

Core recipe (from WW boards)

1 1/4 pound aubergine,in 1/4-inch crosswise slices
2 tabs olive oil
black pepper
2 green peppers
1 red pepper
1/2 pound courgettes in 1/4-inch slices
4 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 tin tomatoes, chopped
2 tabs parsley
2 potatoes, peeled, cut in 1/8-inch slices

Sprinkle the aubergine slices on both sides with salt and place in a colander to drain for 1 hour. Dry between paper towels. Arrange the slices on a cooking tray, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and bake at 400F about 10 minutes, turning once.

Place the peppers in a roasting pan and bake at 5000F (2600C) for about 20 minutes, turning once. Cool, core, seed, and cut in 1/2-inch strips.

In a frying pan, heat 1/2 the oil and sauté, the courgettes for a minute, then add the peppers, salt, black pepper, and 1/4 of the minced garlic, and sauté, another minute. Remove to a warm platter.

Heat the remaining oil, sauté, the remaining garlic a few seconds, than add the paprika, tomatoes, and 1/2 the parsley. Simmer for 5 minutes.

Grease a microwave-safe dish and arrange the potato slices in layers.

Season each layer with salt. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons water over the potatoes, cover and microwave on high 8 minutes. Turn the potatoes, cover, and continue cooking in the microwave another 8 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender. 

Alternately, the sliced potatoes can be drizzled with oil (eliminate the water) and cooked in a greased roasting pan, tightly covered with foil, in a 350F oven for about 1 hour, or until tender.

Arrange the courgettes and peppers over the potatoes in a shallow casserole, then cover with the aubergine slices. Pour on the tomato sauce and bake at 400F about 15 minutes. Sprinkle with the remaining parsley and serve.