Wednesday 22 April 2020

Hot Smoked-Mackerel Jackets

Hot Smoked-Mackerel Jackets 


Serves 4.   Adapted by Liz Howard from Fresh Magazine

4 medium baking potatoes
2 – 3 tbsp hot horseradish sauce
100ml skimmed milk
1 bunch spring onions
4 smoked mackerel fillets, skinned and flaked

Bake potatoes at 2000C/gas mark 6 until cooked.   Cut in half length ways and scoop out the flesh into a bowl, leaving the shell intact.

Mash the flesh with the milk and horseradish sauce until smooth.   Fold in the spring onions and mackerel.   Season to taste, spoon bake into the potato shells, bake on a tray until hot and golden.

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