Tuesday 21 April 2020



Serves 4
Points per recipe 17
Points per serving 4

Freezing not recommended

4 medium skinledd, boneless chicken breasts
4 small bananas
8 x 98% fat free turkey rashers
low fat cooking spray
salt & pepper.

Preheat oven to Gas 4/180ºC/350ºF
Using a rolling pin, flatten out the chicken breasts until thin.  Do this between two bits of cling film or plastic bag if you like.
Place a peeled banana on top of each flattened breast, then roll up.  Wrap two turkey rashers around each one and secure with cocktail sticks.
Spray 4 large squares of foil with cooking spray, and place a chicken breast on each.  Season and wrap the foil around the chicken to form a loose parcel.
Place the parcels on a baking tray and cook for 30-40 mins.  To test whether it is done, piecre the chicken with a sharp knife  and the juices should run clear. 

Tip: Use ready to eat dried apricots instead of banana...3 per chicken breast.  The points will be 3½ per serving.

I urge you to try this recipe..it is delicious and even my kids liked it!

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