Saturday 25 April 2020

Banana & Golden Syrup Sponge

Banana & Golden Syrup Sponge

From the WW boards

An adaption of a SW recipe.  This is no count, apart form the 1tsp golden syrup,your choice whether to count the points for it......less than ½pt for the whole thing on No Count

40g All Bran
2 medium eggs
1 small ripe banana (kids size perfect)
1 rounded tsp nutmeg
1 rounded tsp cinammon
6 tsp splenda
1 tsp golden syrup

Place All Bran into a mixer/blender,add eggs,chopped banana,nutmeg,cinammon and splenda.
Whip up in mixer/blender for 4-5 mins,till it looks like thick sponge mixture.
Place into a plastic container with a lid, I use an old chinese takeaway container, the sort you used to get your egg fried rice in.
Cook for 2 mins in the microwave on high.
Remove and let cool for 3 mins and while still warm cut in half and spread half a tsp of golden syrup onto the top of each piece. you will get 2 large square pieces of cake from this recipe.

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