Wednesday 22 April 2020



This is a traditional speciality from Jamaica.

Serves 6
Points per serving 6½

1 x 538g tin ackees
½lb salt cod (saltfish) fresh or tinned
1 tbsp oil
2 onions, sliced
1 sprig thyme
3-4 slices hot pepper (or red & green peppers, sliced)
1 small tomato, chopped (optional)
black pepper

Run cold water over fish and remove the bones and skin, then flake and leave aside. (If using tinned salt cod, - soak overnight, boil until most of the salt comes out - you may need to change the water a couple of times)
Heat oil in a pan.  add onions, tomato, thyme and hot pepper slices.  stir for a few minutes then add the flaked fish.  Stir for a few minutes then add the drained ackees.  Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper. (Leave on a low heat for about 5-10 mins)

Hard Food
Yam  2 pts per 100g
Sweet Potatoes 2 points per 200g
Green bananas 1 point per small banana

Cut the veg into large chunks and boil together in one pan of salted water along with the dumplings below, which can be placed on the top.

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