Monday 12 February 2018

Saffron Infused Potato, Leek & Tomato Bake

Saffron Infused Potato, Leek & Tomato Bake  

No Count Recipe

A colourful dish that's good enough to eat on it's own.

Serves 4

Full Choice 1½ pts per serving

pinch saffron strands
150ml veg stock
2 leeks trimmed & sliced
3 large tomatoes, sliced
3 garlic cloves, sliced
pinch paprika
500g potatoes, very thinly sliced

Par boil potatoes in the stock with the saffron added for a few minutes.  drain carefully reserving the stock.

layer the potatoes with the leeks, tomatoes, garlic and paprika finishing with a layer of potatoes. Sprinkle paprika on top. Pour over the stock and spray with frylight.

Bake Gas 6/200ºc for 1 hour.

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