Monday 12 February 2018

Chilli Fried Potatoes

Chilli Fried Potatoes 

Serves 2-3

Core recipe

Points plan:  2.5 points per serving (based on 2 people)

500g new potatoes, parboiled and thinly sliced
1.5 tsp Epicure "very lazy chillies"*
1 tbsp chopped coriander seeds
1 tbsp chopped spring onions

Heat frying pan and spray with frylight.  Add potatoes and cook over a medium heat for approx 10 minutes.  Make sure they don't burn.   Add chillies, coriander leaves and spring onions and cook for a further 3-5 minutes until potatoes are fully heated through and crispy.  Season to taste and serve.

* Epicure "very lazy chillies" can be found in a jar alongside the herbs & spices selections in most major UK supermarkets.

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