Monday 12 February 2018

Potato Bread

Potato Bread 

no count

Also known as fadge or potato cake, this is delicious hot from the griddle or pan .
It is also a much-loved part of a traditional breakfast.

Makes 8

225g/ 8oz warm cooked potato
1/2 tsp salt
50g/ 2oz semolina

Mash potatoes well. Add salt, then work in enough semolina to make a pliable dough.
Divide the dough in two and roll out on a floured surface to form two circles 22cm / 9 inch in
diameter and 1/2cm/ 1/4 inch in thickness. Cut each circle into quarters and bake on a hot griddle
or pan for about 5 minutes or until browned on both sides. Some people like to grease the baking surface,
while others prefer a light dusting of flour for a drier effect

Pratie Oaten

For a tasty, textured variation, substitute fine oatmeal for the semolina in the recipe above

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