Friday 6 August 2021




Serves 4

1 Syn per serving

1 large, preferably free range, good quality chicken
500g brown rice
125ml dry white wine - 4 Syns
A mix of chopped parsley and thyme
A few bay leaves
2 carrots, chopped
4 rashers of bacon, all visible fat removed, chopped
2 onions, diced
Zest and juice of 2 lemons
Peeled cloves from 4 bulbs of garlic, or more, if preferred

Pre-heat the oven to 180C/Gas 4.
Tip the rice into a large, lidded casserole dish and stir in the parsley, onions, carrots, bacon and lemon zest.
Put the chicken on top (according to Health and Safety rules now, you are not supposed to wash the chicken first, in case of cross-contamination).
Slash the skin quite a few times with a sharp knife or pair of scissors. Unfortunately, we won't be eating the skin, 
 but this will allow the flavours through to the flesh beneath, whilst still retaining the moisture.
Tip the garlic, thyme and bay leaves over the top of the chicken, working some carefully beneath the skin.
Season well with salt and black pepper.
Squeeze the lemons over the top of the chicken and put the remainder of the lemons into the cavity of the chicken.
Pour the wine over the rice and add water to cover it by about 2cm.
Cover the casserole with a lid or large sheet of foil and put on lowest shelf for one and a half hours.
After this, remove the lid and cook for a further half hour.
Make sure the chicken is thoroughly cooked through and the rice and veg are tender before serving (skinless). Keep an eye on things throughout, e.g. water level, etc. as, of course, ovens can vary quite a lot.

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