Sunday 29 August 2021




Serves 2

Syn Free if using cheese as your HEX's

100g baby spinach leaves
4 slices of lean ham
4 free range eggs
4 tbsp. Quark
2 HEX's cheese of your choice

Put the spinach in a large colander and stand it in the sink. Pour over boiling water until all the leaves have wilted. Shake well to drain.
Pre-heat the grill to medium. Line two small, shallow ovenproof dishes with the slices of ham. 
Spread the spinach evenly over the ham and season with a little salt and as much black pepper as you fancy.
Crack in the eggs and dot over the Quark.
Sprinkle with the cheese and put under the grill for 10-12 minutes, or until the cheese is golden and the eggs are cooked.
Could serve with a HEX bread allowance.

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