Sunday 29 August 2021



Serves 4

Syn Free if you use a HEX serving of cheese

4 skinless chicken breast fillets
10g pack of fresh tarragon
150g Quark
3 vine-ripened tomatoes
4 HEX's of cheese

Pre-heat the oven to 200C/gas 6. Make a slit down the centre of each chicken breast with a sharp knife but don't cut all the way through. Put the chicken on a baking tray which has been sprayed with Frylight.
Save 4 sprigs of tarragon but chop the rest of the leaves and mix into the Quark, along with 4 HEX's of cheese and plenty of black pepper. Spoon into the pockets in the chicken breasts.
Slice the tomatoes and place over the cheese-filled pockets. Put a sprig of tarragon on each and spray with Frylight.
Season and bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes until the chicken is cooked but still moist.
If serving cold, pour off the juices otherwise they will set to a jelly once cold.
If you don't want such a cheesy filling, just maybe use half of the HEX's.

We have had this both hot and cold and it is delicious either way. Hot, we had it with garlicky roasties and lots of lovely veg and cold, we had it with an enormous, colourful side salad and SW potato salad.  

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