Sunday 29 August 2021




serves 1.

Syns depend on how much chorizo used at 4.5 Syns per 50g

Half a small onion, chopped (could cheat and throw in some chopped, frozen onion - I use these loads!)
About 20g chorizo, diced
Half a mug of long grain rice
1 veggie or chicken stock cube
Half a mug of frozen peas
1 medium egg

Frylight the onion until soft in a medium pan with a lid. (or put in a covered dish in the microwave with 1 tsp. water and cook on High for 3 mins. Drain and add to the pan.)
Tip in the chorizo and sizzle until browned.
Add the rice and stir, then pour a mug of boiling water into the pan. Crumble in the stock cube and stir.
Turn the heat down until gently bubbling, put on lid and cook for 15 mins, stirring occasionally.
Stir in peas and cook for a further 5 mins with the lid on or until the liquid is practically absorbed.

Beat the egg and season. Turn the heat up under the pan, drop the egg in and stir quickly until the egg has just cooked through. 

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