Sunday 29 August 2021




Serves 4 smallish portions OR, if you're ravenous, serves 2 

Between 2 it works out at 2.5 Syns per portion, for the chorizo

1 onion, sliced
1 red and 1 green pepper, sliced
50g chorizo, diced
2 cloves of garlic
250g easy-cook Basmati rice (If using wholegrain you'll have to increase the cooking time)
400g chopped tomatoes
200g prawns

Pre-heat the oven to 200c/gas mk 6
Tip the onion, peppers, chorizo and crushed garlic into an ovenproof dish and spray with Frylight. Roast in oven for 15 minutes.
Stir in the rice, tomatoes and 500ml chicken or veg stock.
Add black pepper (I never add salt because of the chorizo but that's down to personal taste) and some smoked paprika or chilli flakes, if wanting more of a kick.
Bake, covered, for another 20 mins, stirring occasionally and checking if anymore liquid needs to be added.
Three minutes before the cooking time is up, stir through the prawns.

I have sometimes added chicken pieces too or substituted peas, if I have no peppers in. 

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