Sunday 29 August 2021

Plaice Pie


Plaice Pie



Free on red





The whole pie works out at 1 HEA and 1 HEB

You don't have to stick to the amount of plaice, toms and spring onions (as they're free), I just used the amount that would fit in my baking dish.

4 small boneless plaice fillets (enough to cover the bottom of a small baking dish)
Juice of half a lemon
8 cherry tomatoes
3 spring onions
1 HEA of mature cheddar, grated
1 HEB of bread whizzed into breadcrumbs (I used 3 slices of Weight Watchers brown bread)

Preheat oven to 190°c.
Lay the fillets out on the bottom of the baking dish and marinade in the lemon juice. Best to do this about an hour before cooking.
Slice the spring onions and tomatoes finely, then layer on top of the plaice fillets.
Mix the breadcrumbs and grated cheese together and sprinkle on top.

Spray with fry light and bake for approx 20 minutes. 

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