Saturday 28 August 2021



Serves 4
7 points per portion

4 x 100g lean pork loin steaks
4 sheets filo pastry
1 red pepper, de-seeded and cut into slices
1 green pepper, de-seeded and cut into slices
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 red onion, sliced
80g low fat mozzarella cheese
Salt & pepper to taste
1 beaten egg
Low fat spray

Preheat the oven to 220°C / 425°F / Gas Mark 7.
Line a baking tray with baking parchment or spray with Frylight.
Spray a frying pan with low fat spray and fry the pork to seal on both sides, remove and place on a kitchen towel.
Spray the pan again and fry the garlic, pepper and onion until soft ( add a drop of water if it sticks) season with salt and pepper.
Brush each sheet of filo with beaten egg.
With each sheet place on a piece of pork, 20g cheese and top with the pepper mix.
Wrap up carefully in the pastry, brush with egg wash and place on the baking tray.

Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown and crispy and pork is cooked. 

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