Sunday 29 August 2021

Leek & Mushroom Risotto

Leek & Mushroom Risotto

Serves 2

150g Arborio rice 
150g mushrooms, sliced 
750Lt vegetable stock
2 leeks, finely chopped 
1 lemon 
½ cupful of frozen peas 
1 onion, finely chopped 
Parmesan cheese (out of your daily allowance)
1 small tin of Tuna 

Boil a kettle and make 750 Lt of vegetable stock, using a vegetable cube or use homemade stock.
Spray a large saucepan with Fry Light and cook the onions & leeks until transparent.

Add the rice and allow it to be coated by mixing all ingredients, cut the lemon and drizzle the juice over the rice and cook for 5 mins.
Using a ladle add 2 ladles of hot stock at a time, cook until all liquid has gone. Add peas & mushrooms just 5 mins before the liquid is used up. 
When all stock has been used up grate parmesan cheese over the rice and put a lid on it and leave to steam. Serve on a hot bowl and add the Tuna and a side salad with it.

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